If the product of a number multiplied by its reciprocal is 2 and 1 / 3, then the reciprocal of the number is ()

If the product of a number multiplied by its reciprocal is 2 and 1 / 3, then the reciprocal of the number is ()

This number is 2 and 1 / 3-1 = 1 and 1 / 3, and the reciprocal of this number is 1 / 1 and 1 / 3 = 3 / 4

A simple algorithm of 9 × 72 × 125


72 * 125 and 92 * 36-16 * 92
Simple algorithm, clear


A simple algorithm of 88 × 201-88


The simple formula of 125 × 7 + 125 is ()
A. 7 + 125 × 1b. This question can't be simplified

125 × 7 + 125 = 125 × (7 + 1) = 125 × 8 = 1000, so C

Put into 9 cells respectively, so that the three numbers of horizontal and vertical are equal to 45

6 27 9
18 15 12
21 3 24

How much is 25 minus 2 equals 7

25 minus 9 times 2 equals 7

What is 8.95 times 0.25 minus 0.95 times 0.25?

=(8.95-0.95) * 0.25 (multiplicative Association Law)

How much is 5 / 6 times 1 / 13 + 1 / 2 times 5 / 13 + 5 / 3 times 1 / 13!


18 plus 80% of a number is exactly equal to 22?
