What is the difference between 8 / 20 μ s and 10 / 350 μ s?

What is the difference between 8 / 20 μ s and 10 / 350 μ s?

The selection of lightning protection is divided into four levels. According to iec61312-1, 10 / 350 μ s is the first lightning wave type, which is used for the first level (A-level) protection of power supply. It is worth noting that this is only the test wave type of lightning wave, not the actual wave type of lightning; 8 / 20 μ s is the B-level, C-level and d-level lightning protection after the first time, and there is no difference between them in essence, It just reflects that the protective device can shunt the energy of lightning current!

What is the greatest common divisor of 8 and 20______ The least common multiple is______ .

8 = 2 × 2 × 2, 20 = 2 × 2 × 5, so the greatest common divisor of 8 and 20 is 2 × 2 = 4, and the least common multiple is 2 × 2 × 2 × 5 = 40

The meaning of "twenty to eight" can be expressed by an idiom?
There are 20 words in the song Jue of making drum: tightly covered, tightly nailed, sunny and rainy days, playing the same sound. Later it was changed into 12 words: tightly covered, tightly nailed, sunny and rainy days, playing the same sound. Then it became eight words: tightly covered, tightly nailed, sunny and rainy days, playing the same sound
It can also be expressed in a sentence by the comedian Pan Changjiang-----------------

Idiom: short and tough
Pan Changjiang's words: concentrated are fine

If 5x-7y = O, then what is x of y equal to?


One x plus one y plus one Z equals five sixths
Find the positive integer solution of this equation

There are nine groups of solutions: 1. X = 2, y = 6, z = 6
2.x=6 y=6 z=2
3.x=6 y=2 z=6
4.x=3 y=3 z=6
5.x=3 y=6 z=3
6.x=6 y=3 z=3
7.x=4 y=4 z=3
8.x=4 y=3 z=4
9.x=3 y=4 z=4

1 / 5 (x + 15) = 1 / 4 (x + 20) what is x equal to

Multiply the rate by 20

When x equals 4, y equals 10.5, and when x equals 7, y equals 15. Find the analytic expressions of Y and X

Suppose y = ax + B;
Substituting x, y according to conditions
There are
a=1.5 b=4.5
Then y = 1.5x + 4.5

A = {x | x2-4x-5 is greater than or equal to 0}, B = {x | x is greater than 1 and less than or equal to 7}, find anb and AUB


It is known that: X △ 4 = y △ 5 = Z △ 7. Then (x + y + Z) △ Z is equal to?

So x = 4K, y = 5K, z = 7K,
So (x + y + Z) △ z = 16 / 7

X is 4 to 7, x + 50 is 3 to 5, what are y
I forgot to break the sentence_ 4 to 7 is a sentence, 3 to 5 is a sentence
