The maximum peak current of varistor is 6000a (8 / 20 μ s),

The maximum peak current of varistor is 6000a (8 / 20 μ s),

6000a is the maximum peak current and 8 / 20us is the pulse wave with 8 μ s head and 20 μ s tail time
This waveform is generally called 8 / 20us wave
In addition, the peak current of the varistor can be expressed by a square wave of 2ms, that is, the high level time of the square wave is 2ms

What is the formula of 9 times 8 and 8 times 9
The third grade exercises ask: is the formula of 9 times 8 and 8 times 9 the same? How to explain in the new textbook?

What's the difference? It doesn't matter before and after. 9 and 8 are multipliers, and 72 is product

X is 3 to 4, 30 + X is 50 + y is 5 to 7, find X and y

From the question, 4x = 3Y
① Substituting it into 2
The solution is x = 120

List the equation: a number greater than 5 is equal to 8___ .

The number 5 greater than a equals 8, which is expressed as a + 5 = 8 or a = 8-5

On page 83, a column of equations shows that: (1) a number greater than 5 equals 8

A number greater than 5 is equal to 8

In a subtraction formula, the sum of the subtracted, the subtracted and the difference is 120, and the subtraction is one third of the difference. What is the difference


Numerical control programming angle formula 7 degrees 15 degrees 30 degrees 45 degrees 60 degrees 120 degrees
For example, 30 degree angle: how much is negative in Z direction? How much is negative in X direction? What is the ratio of X to Z

You mean unilateral angle
This is the basic trigonometric function
(x / 2) / z = Tan (angle)
Take the simplest 45 degree angle as an example
Calculate tan45 = 1 with calculator
The reduction result is x / z = 2
The others are the same

What sign is added to make the formula hold 120 50 45 = 24


What is the formula for calculating the amount of reinforcement? How to calculate the increased length of 30 degrees, 45 degrees, 60 degrees, 90 degrees, 120 degrees and 135 degrees?

The reinforcement measurement does not calculate the increased length after bending. Only the length of the structure after deducting the protective layer and the hook length are calculated. The calculation of reinforcement quantity is: reinforcement length * unit weight of reinforcement. The unit weight of reinforcement is as follows:

How much is 9 / 13 + 13 / 9 + 11 / 13 + 114 / 9 + 6 / 13

Here we move the denominator 13 and the denominator 9 together
The original formula = (9 / 13 + 11 / 13 + 6 / 13) + (114 / 9 + 13 / 9)
=2 + 14 and 1 / 9
=16 and 1 / 9
You see, do you understand? If not,
The most important thing is the method. If we master the method, we can solve similar problems!
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I wish you academic progress!