2 / 5 divided by 3 is equal to 2 / 15. It means that 2 / 5 is divided into 3 parts equally. How much is one part? That is to say, what is it? It can be calculated by multiplication. The formula is?

2 / 5 divided by 3 is equal to 2 / 15. It means that 2 / 5 is divided into 3 parts equally. How much is one part? That is to say, what is it? It can be calculated by multiplication. The formula is?

2 / 5 divided by 3 is equal to 2 / 15. It means that 2 / 5 is divided into 3 parts averagely, and how much is one part, that is, how much is 1 / 3 of 2 / 5. It can be calculated by multiplication, and the formula is 2 / 5 × 1 / 3

The sum of the two numbers is 47.9. Xiaoming accidentally moves the decimal point of a number one place to the right. At this time, the sum is 212.6. What are the two numbers

Moved one bit to the right. The original number is 10 times larger
A: the original two addends are 18.3 and 29.6

The sum of the two numbers is 47.9. Xiaoliang accidentally moved the decimal point of an addend one place to the right when calculating, so the sum is 212.6,?
The sum of the two numbers is 47.9. Xiao Liang accidentally moved the decimal point of an addend one place to the right when he calculated it. In this way, the sum is 212.6. What are the original two numbers? (it is required not to use the equation to calculate, which is the topic of grade 4 of primary school!)

The number that moved the decimal point = (212.6-47.9) / (10-1) = 18.3
Then the other number = 47.9-18.3 = 29.6
A: the two numbers are 18.3 and 29.6 respectively