The product of two numbers is 14 times of one and 186 times of the other. What is the product of these two numbers?

The product of two numbers is 14 times of one and 186 times of the other. What is the product of these two numbers?

Product = 14 × 186 = 2604

30 times a (a is not 0), if 30 plus 120, to make the product unchanged, a should be (). Subtract 100 divided by 5 times 5

30 times a (a is not 0), if 30 plus 120, to make the product unchanged, a should be (multiplied by 5)
I can't understand the back!

The product of two numbers is 160. If one factor is multiplied by 5 and the other factor is divided by 100, what is the product

If one factor is multiplied by 5 and the other factor is divided by 100,
So the product becomes the original: 5 / 100 = 1 / 20
The product of two numbers is 160, so it becomes: 160 * (1 / 20) = 8