How can five fives make it twenty-four Each number can only be used once

How can five fives make it twenty-four Each number can only be used once


What time is 5:24


How do five's equal 24


3. () * (). 17 is about 6.84

3. (1) (5) * (2). 17 is about 6.84

What is 17 × 10 out of 5, 5 × 84 out of 6, 1 × 12 out of 3

17 / 5 × 10 = 34
5 / 6 × 84 = 70
1 / 3 × 12 = 4

79 and 97, which are prime numbers and which are composite numbers, should write x * X

A: 79 and 97 are prime numbers
The prime numbers between 1 and 100 are as follows:
2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97

5 9 16 1 57 79 88 97 24 which are prime numbers and which are composite numbers

Prime numbers: 5, 79, 97
Total: 9, 16, 57, 88, 24
1 is neither prime nor composite

13,15,18,19,33,67,79104121143. Odd number, even number, prime number, composite number. Write it out. /

Odd 13,15,19,33,67,79121143,
Even 18104
Prime numbers 13,19,67,79
Total 15,18,33104121143

(10 / 9 × 3 / 85) × 18 × 17

(10 / 9 * 3 / 85) * 18 * 17
=(10 out of 9 * 18) * (3 out of 85 * 17)
=20 * 3 / 5
=15 out of 20
=3 / 4

How can three 4's and one 1's be equal to 15? Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fraction and decimal point can be used

Is the exponent OK? If it is OK, the fourth power of 4 × 4-1 = 15