Two and a third is equal to one ninth of Be accurate We should understand what we read, not what I can't understand~

Two and a third is equal to one ninth of Be accurate We should understand what we read, not what I can't understand~

2 and one third = 7 / 3 = 21 * 1 / 9

How can Four Thirds be equal to 1 equal to 0 equal to 9 equal to 2


How much is one third, one third plus three divided by nine tenths?

This is not in brackets
(one third plus three) divided by nine tenths = 100 / 27
One third plus three divided by nine tenths = 11 / 3

X = a × B × C, y = a × B × D, ABCD is a different prime number?

According to the question, the greatest common factor is a
The least common multiple is a * b * c * D (only if B = 1 or b * d)

The sum of (x, b) is different from the sum of (x, a, B, d) prime numbers
Hope to show the process

X = a * b * C, y = a * b * D, they have a on both sides, we can see that a is the small one, the greatest common factor is b * C, the smallest common multiple is b * D

If x and y are prime numbers, then the greatest common factor of X and Y is () and the least common multiple is ()

Common factor 1
Common multiple XY

How do degrees, minutes and seconds interact
91 degrees, 20 minutes, 24 seconds equals () degrees
45.31 degrees equals () degrees () minutes () seconds

91 degrees 20 minutes 24 seconds = 91 + 20 / 60 + 24 / 3600 = 91.34 degrees
45.31 degrees = 45 degrees + 0.31 * 60 minutes, that is 45 degrees 18.6 minutes = 45 degrees + 18 minutes + 0.6 * 60 seconds, that is 45 degrees 18 minutes 36 seconds

Turn seconds into minutes: 3800 seconds=______ Degree_____ Points_____ second

How many degrees, minutes and seconds can 3800 seconds be converted into
3800 seconds = 3600 + 200 seconds

69 degrees, 20 minutes, 24 seconds, how to convert to 64.26 degrees

First, one minute equals 60 minutes, one minute equals 60 seconds
24 seconds is 0.4 minutes, which is 20.4 minutes / 60
It's 69.34 degrees
In the same way, the degree will not change, and the following 0.26 × 60 = 15.6 minutes and 0.6 × 60 = 36 seconds
So 64.26 degrees is 64 degrees 15 minutes 36 seconds

31.34 degrees, minutes and seconds,
