How much is one third plus one fourth?

How much is one third plus one fourth?

1 / 3 + 1 / 4 = 4 / 12 + 3 / 12 = 7 / 12

How six sixes plus any sign equals four
6 6 6 6 6 6=4

... a lot

One third is equal to what part plus what part?


What is the conversion from 31.34 degrees to degrees, minutes and seconds?

1°=60′ 1′=60〃
31.34 ° = 21 degrees + 0.3 * 60 + 0.04 * 3600 = 31 ° 18'144 ″ = 31 ° 20'4 ″ if the calculation is correct, it should be like this. I haven't calculated this for many years

How many degrees is 16 ° 31 '?


For example, 118.273 E and 35.136 n are accurate to minutes and seconds
East longitude is 118 degrees 16 minutes 22.8 seconds, north latitude is 35 degrees 8 minutes 9.6 seconds

They're in 60 seconds, 60 minutes, 60 minutes

It is known that the location of Shanghai is about 121 degrees east longitude and 31 degrees north latitude, and the location of Dalian is about 121 degrees east longitude and 30 degrees north latitude

There's something wrong with your data. Dalian's latitude can't be 30 degrees north latitude. It's similar to Tianjin's latitude, 39 degrees north latitude. According to your data, the spherical distance is 111.1km, obviously not. It should be about 888.8km

At 25 ° 48.942 'n and 104 ° 37.843' e, it is converted into the format of degrees, minutes and seconds,


25 ° 44.6 n 123 ° 28.4 e, please help me to convert into degrees, minutes and seconds

Degree minute second conversion 8 ° 44 ′ 24 ″
8°44′24″=_______ Degree

8°44′24″=_ 8.74______ Degree