If the eight numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 are filled in the following formula respectively (there are no identical ones), then the formula that gets the smallest difference is______ .□□□□-□□□□

If the eight numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 are filled in the following formula respectively (there are no identical ones), then the formula that gets the smallest difference is______ .□□□□-□□□□

The minimum number after the thousand bits of the subtracted number is 123, and the maximum number on the thousand bits of the subtracted number is 876; the remaining two numbers are 4 and 5, which are consistent with the difference of 1 between the thousand bits of the subtracted number and the subtracted number, so the formula is: 5123-4876; so the answer is: 5123-4876

How much is 0.12345... 1997 divided by 0.515049... 1996?
This is a problem in my math book. I don't know how to solve it! Ask for help

Is the question wrong? Do you want to keep three decimal places after the decimal point
So, in terms of 0.123456 divided by 0.5151
The result of this formula must be larger than 0.123456 △ 0.5151
And it is smaller than 0.123456 △ 0.5151
So this formula is larger than 0.2396737 and smaller than 0.2397203
The last three are 239

The formula is 0.12345 19970.515049… The first, second and third digits after the decimal point when expressed as decimal

The numerator can be approximately equal to 0.12345-0.12346, and the denominator can be approximately equal to 0.51504-0.51505, so that the minimum value of the fraction is: 0.12345 △ 0.51505 = 0.23969; the maximum value is: 0.12346 △ 0.51504 = 0.23971; obviously, the 1, 2, 3 digits after the decimal point are 2, 3, 9