The term without y in the expansion of (2y-1 / y) square 8 is? What's the number

The term without y in the expansion of (2y-1 / y) square 8 is? What's the number

|The square of 8x-y-8 | + (8y + X-8) is 1, and the sum of non negative numbers is zero. Therefore, the two non negative numbers are all zero. The solution of 8x-y-8 = 1, 8y + X-8 = 1, 8x-y = 8, 8y + x = 8 is: x = 8, y = 8, suppose the price of color TV is x yuan, the price of washing machine is y yuan, X-Y = 8111, X * 88% + y * 88% = 891 is: x = 8111

Give a few percentage examples, urgent!
For example, blue accounts for 35% of green

Men make up 52.5% of the total population of China
China's population accounts for about 13.5% of the world's population
About 60% of the students wear glasses

Material composition (write an idea and give some examples)
There is an American young man named Henry, who is still in his thirties and has achieved nothing. One day, his good friend suddenly told him a news: "the magazine said that Napoleon had a son exiled to the United States, and this son gave birth to another son. All the characteristics of Napoleon's grandson are the same as you." Henry was dubious. But he was willing to believe it, At this time, Napoleon thought that he was a little bit inferior to himself. Now he was a little bit inferior to himself, Now he is proud to speak English with French accent! When he encountered difficulties, Henry said to himself, "there are no difficult words in Napoleon's dictionary." in this way, he overcame one difficulty after another with his belief that he was Napoleon's grandson. Three years later, he became the chairman of a large company. Later, he came to the conclusion that Henry was not Napoleon's grandson
Mediocrity can also achieve success. What associations do you have? What memories do you have?
Write why mediocre people can achieve success with the argument that mediocre people can also achieve success

Because they can find their own shining point, young Dumas was poor and wandered to Paris, expecting his father's friends to help him find a job to make a living. His father's friends asked him what his advantages were. Dumas could only shake his head, as if he could not find any advantages

Disproportionate examples

15: 56 is not equal to 45:98

What is proportional and what is not
For example: inverse proportion: unit price * quantity = total price (certain) positive proportion: total price: quantity = unit price (certain)

Inverse proportion: speed x time = distance (certain) working efficiency x working time = total amount of work (certain) flour yield x quality of wheat = quality of flour (certain) ···· positive proportion: volume of cylinder / bottom area = volume of high (certain) cylinder / height = bottom area (certain) distance / speed = time (

How to explain "asset liability ratio" in vernacular?

It is the ratio between how much money you owe including receivables and prepayments and how much money you owe including prepayments
For example, the loan from the bank is 100000 yuan, the accounts payable is 250000 yuan, the enterprise has 50000 yuan of monetary capital, 300000 yuan of fixed assets, 350000 yuan of accounts receivable and 100000 yuan of prepayment. What is the asset liability ratio?
The asset liability ratio of the enterprise = (10 + 25) / (5 + 30 + 35 + 10) * 100% = 43.75%

What are the differences between dialect words and Putonghua words

Too much
Sichuan Dialect -- Putonghua
What to buy? - what to buy?
It's a good match - it's cheap
Do you know? -- do you know?

Some questions about mathematics to see clearly with positive and negative proportion to do, we must use positive and negative proportion to do!
1. The fuel carried by an aircraft can be used for up to 7 hours. When the aircraft goes, it flies along the wind for 600 km per hour. When it returns, it flies against the wind for 500 km per hour. How many kilometers does the aircraft need to fly back?
2. In the 60m race, when a crosses the finish line, he is 10 meters ahead of B, and B is 20 meters ahead of C. if the speed of B and C remains unchanged, how much will b be ahead of C when B reaches the finish line?
3. When a ship goes back and forth between wharf A and wharf B, it goes along the water and travels 20km per hour; when it comes back, it goes against the water and travels 15km per hour. It takes 2 hours less than when it comes back. How many kilometers is the distance between wharf A and wharf B?

1. The distance to and fro is equal, the total time must be 7 hours, so we can assume that it takes x hours to go, then there is 600X = 500 (7-x), or 600 / 500 = (7-x) / x, that is, the ratio of flight speed is equal to the corresponding ratio of flight time, so we can get x = 35 / 11, so we have to return if we fly at most 600X = 21000 / 11 kilometers

The problem of positive and negative proportion in Mathematics
What are the values of a and B when both the positive proportion function y = 1 / 2 x and the inverse proportion function y = x a pass through point (2, b)?

a=2 b=1

Mathematics (positive and negative proportion)
1. When two gears are engaged and rotated, the number of revolutions and teeth
2. The diameter of the wheel is fixed, the number of cycles the wheel rolls and the distance it passes
What's the proportion of them? Or they are out of proportion, and explain the reasons. The sooner the better

1. When two gears are engaged and rotated, the number of revolutions and teeth
Number of revolutions × number of teeth = length of rotation (certain)
When two gears are engaged and rotated, the number of revolutions and the number of teeth are in inverse proportion
2. The diameter of the wheel is fixed, the number of cycles the wheel rolls and the distance it passes
Distance: the number of turns = the diameter of the wheel × the circumference (certain)
The diameter of the wheel is fixed, and the number of cycles the wheel rolls is proportional to the distance it passes