How many decimeters is one meter and how to calculate it? A cuboid steel plate, 1.5 meters long, 0.8 meters wide, 15 cm thick. 1. How many cubic decimeters is its volume? 2. Each cubic decimeter of steel plate weighs 2.4kg. How many kg is the weight of this steel plate?

How many decimeters is one meter and how to calculate it? A cuboid steel plate, 1.5 meters long, 0.8 meters wide, 15 cm thick. 1. How many cubic decimeters is its volume? 2. Each cubic decimeter of steel plate weighs 2.4kg. How many kg is the weight of this steel plate?

Width 0.8 m = 8 decimeters, thickness 15 cm = 1.5 decimeters
Its volume = 15 * 8 * 1.5 = 180 cubic decimeters
The weight of this steel plate = 2.4 * 180 = 432kg

24 points=______ Time & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 6600 kg=______ T 0.8 ha=______ Square meters & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 3.2 cubic decimeters=______ Ml

(1) 24 points = 0.4; (2) 6600 kg = 6.6 tons; (3) 0.8 hectare = 8000 square meters; (4) 3.2 cubic decimeter = 3200 ml; so the answer is: 0.4, 6.680003200

Is the cover area of mathematics textbook about 30 square centimeters or 3 square decimeters?

3 square decimeters

The cover length of the math book is 3 decimeters, and the area is 3 square decimeters. What is the perimeter of the math book?

Width: 3 / 3 = 1 (square decimeter)
Perimeter: 2 * (3 + 1) = (8 decimeters)
A: the perimeter of a math book is 8 decimeters
I wish you a happy study

It is known that: A-B = 10, B-C = 15, C-10, a = 20. Find the value of a & # 178; a C & # 178; (using the square difference formula)

A-B = 10, that is, B = A-10
B-C = 15, that is, B = 15 + C
So A-10 = 15 + C, that is, a-c = 15 + 10 = 25
Answer: 500

Is the sum of squares formula A & # 178; + B & # 178; or (a + b) &# 178;
this is it

The square sum formula A & # 178; + B & # 178; is the complete square sum formula (a + b) &# 178; = A & # 178; + B & # 178; + 2Ab

How to express the square expression in C + +
Can you give me an example? Let me understand

POW function
Function prototype: Double pow (double x, double y);
Header file: math. H
Function: returns the Y power of X
I think it's better to directly multiply the square of a number by two variables than to call a function
int a;
A * a; / / find the square of a

In the square of the formula s = VO + 2 / 1At, when t = 1, s = 13; when t = 2, s = 42. Find the value of VO, a and when t = 3, S

S = VO + at & sup2. / 2 (1) when t = 1, s = 13 is substituted into (1) formula 13 = VO + A / 2 (2) when t = 2, s = 42 is substituted into (1) formula 42 = VO + 2A (3) (3) - (2), 42-13 = VO + 2a-vo-a / 229 = 2a-a / 2 = 3A / 2A = 58 / 3 is substituted into (2) 13 = VO + 29 / 339 = 3VO + 29vo = 10 / 3, s = VO + at & sup2. / 2 = (10

Explain square difference formula and complete square difference formula with geometric figure

Calculate: (2a-b) (a + 2b), and use the area method to verify the correctness of the results (draw the puzzle)

(2a-b) (a + 2b) = 2A2 + 4ab-ab-2b2 = 2A2 + 3ab-2b2 area verification: (2a-b) (a + 2b) is the area of blue + green rectangle, while 2A2 is the area of 2A × A is the area of blue + red rectangle, 4AB is the area of 2A × 2b is the area of green + yellow, a × B is the area of red, 2B2 is the area of 2B × B is the area of yellow, so 2A2 +