What is 10 + 20 △ 4 × 2?

What is 10 + 20 △ 4 × 2?


How much is two square meters

When converted into square centimeter, it is 2000cm; decimeter is 200dm; one square meter is like a square floor, its side length is 1m; its size is 1 × 1 = 1m;

How many meters is two square meters

They have no equality, square is the unit of area, meter is the unit of length. 2 square meters can't equal how many meters. Is the problem wrong

How many millimeters is one square meter?

1m = 1000mm
So 1 square meter is equal to 1 × 10 ^ 6 square millimeter
You lost the square

10.5 mm equals centimeter


What's the weight of one meter thick plate

The general steel is 7.85 g / cm ^ 3, that is, the theoretical weight of one millimeter iron plate is 7.85 kg / m ^ 2, so the weight of the iron plate is 7.85 × 1 × 2 = 15.7 kg

How much is the iron plate per square meter

One square meter iron plate 4cm 1 * 0.04 * 7850 = 314kg

10 mm iron plate 30 square meters have weight!

Multiply length by width by height by 0.0000078

550mm in diameter, 20mm in thickness, multiple iron plates?

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An iron bucket is 7 meters high, 2 meters in diameter and 0.08 meters in thickness. What's its total weight?

First calculate the area of its bottom. Notice that it has only one bottom. 2.0 * 2.0 * 3 * 142 / 4 * 7.8 * 0.08 = 1.961. Then calculate its edge. Unfold it. Eleven rectangles are equal to 26.351. So will its weight come out soon? It's 28.312 tons