A rectangular piece of land, one side against the wall, its length is three times the width, surrounded by a fence of 100 meters. How many square meters is the area of this rectangular piece of land? A rectangular piece of land, one side against the wall, its length is three times the width, surrounded by a fence of 100 meters. How many square meters is the area of this rectangular piece of land?

A rectangular piece of land, one side against the wall, its length is three times the width, surrounded by a fence of 100 meters. How many square meters is the area of this rectangular piece of land? A rectangular piece of land, one side against the wall, its length is three times the width, surrounded by a fence of 100 meters. How many square meters is the area of this rectangular piece of land?

How many square meters is the area of this rectangle? When the length is close to the wall, the length = 100x3 / (3 + 1 + 1) = 60 m, the width = 20 m, the area = 20 x 60 = 1200 square meters. When the width is close to the wall, the length = 100x3 / (3 + 1 + 3) = 30

Uncle Wang uses a 48m long fence to encircle a rectangular land. The ratio of the length and width of the rectangle is 5:2. What's the area of the land

48m can be divided into 5 + 5 + 2 = 12, 48 / 12 = 4, 4 * 5 = 20 is length, 4 * 2 = 8 is width, 20 * 8 = 160 is area

The school is going to install a fence for the 720 square meter parallelogram pool. It is known that the two heights of the parallelogram are 25 meters and 24 meters, and how long should the fence be

Length of fence = (30 + 28.8) × 2 = 117.6m

The school is going to install a fence for the 720 square meter parallelogram pool. It is known that the two heights of the parallelogram are 20 meters and 30 meters, and how long should the fence be

Area = bottom * height
Then the two heights are 720 / 20 = 36 720 / 30 = 24
Fence length = (36 + 24) * 2 = 120

The school is going to install a fence for the 720 square meter parallelogram pool. It is known that the height of the two parallelogram lines is 25 meters and the length of the fence is 24 meters

Area of parallelogram = base × height
The length of the fence
=720 △ 25 = 28.8m
Length of the other side = 720 △ 24 = 30m
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There is a rectangular pool in the campus. When the campus is expanded, the length and width of the pool will be increased by 12 (as shown in the figure). What is the area of the pool now?

Let the length and width of the original rectangle be a and B respectively; the original area is ab; the later length (1 + 12) a = 32A; the later width (1 + 12) B = 32B; the later area: 32a × 32B = 94AB; the current area is the original area: (94AB) / (AB) = 94 = 225%; answer: the area product of the current pool is 225% of the original area

The school bought a number of guardrails, and originally planned to form a rectangular flower bed with a length of 10 meters and a width of 5.7 meters
If you need to reset the flower bed, please design a plan to put down the flowers with the same perimeter

By the title, the original plan to form a 10 meters long by 5.7 meters rectangular flower bed method
It can be seen that half of the total length of these guardrails is 10 + 5.7 = 15.7m, and the total length is 15.7 × 2 = 31.4m
If the length of the reset bed is x, the width is 15.7-x
So x (15.7-x) > = 78
X has no solution, so it doesn't work to encircle a rectangle
Combined with the usual study of the same perimeter, the area of the circle is the largest, might as well try to circle
The circumference of a circle is 31.4 meters, 31.4 = π D (π = 3.14)
D = 10m, r = D / 2 = 5m
S = π R & # 178; = 3.14 × 5 & # 178; = 78.5m & # 178; > 78m & # 178;
So this plan is to circle these guardrails
Happy learning o (∩)_ ∩)O~~

The school bought a number of guardrails and planned to build a rectangular flower bed with a length of 10 meters and a width of 5.7 meters. Due to the large number of flowers bought, it takes up an area of at least 78 square meters, so it is necessary to design a new scheme to put down the flowers under the condition that the perimeter of the flower bed remains unchanged

It is estimated that the total length of the guardrail purchased from the 10 * 5.7 flower bed is 31.4 meters
Suppose that the length of the redesigned flower bed is x and the width is y
Calculate the values of X and y

School bought a number of guardrails, originally prepared to surround a 10 meters long, 5.7 meters wide rectangular flower bed, because bought more flowers, at least occupy your face, now need to redesign a flower bed, please design a scheme, in the case of flower bed perimeter unchanged can put down the flowers, through the calculation to prove!

Just circle it into a circle
The circumference of the circle is: (10 + 5.7) × 2 = 31.4 (m)
Radius: 31.4 △ 3.14 △ 2 = 5 (m)
Area: 5 × 5 × 3.14 = 78.5 (M2) greater than 78 (M2)
That's enough

Xiaomeijia's courtyard is fenced to form a rectangular flower bed. One side of the flower bed is against the wall. The length and width of the flower bed are 5.4m and 3.6m, respectively. The length and area of the fence are calculated
Xiaomeijia's courtyard is fenced to form a rectangular flower bed. One side of the flower bed is against the wall. The length and width of the flower bed are 5.4m and 3.6m respectively. The fence length and area of the flower bed are calculated

Perimeter: 5.4 + 3.6 + 3.6 = 12.6
Area: 3.6 * 5.4 = 16.44