Millimeter centimeter decimeter kilometer (kilometer) is the unit of object (), called () unit

Millimeter centimeter decimeter kilometer (kilometer) is the unit of object (), called () unit

Millimeter centimeter decimeter kilometer (kilometer) is the unit of object (length), called (length) unit

What are the objects about 5cm in length in life?

Toothpick, flashlight, battery, hairpin

What are the items 1 cm long in life? Three kinds are OK

It's about one centimeter thick
The thickness of the button on the electric fan (table) is about 1cm
There is the most common, small transparent glue, the thickness is 1 cm
About the length of one centimeter, let me see
It seems that most of the keys on the keyboard are 1 cm long! You can try to measure it
I can't remember. I'm not at home now. I'm outside. I'll go back and have a look!