The ratio of surface area, volume and volume Answer tonight, OK, plus 10 wealth

The ratio of surface area, volume and volume Answer tonight, OK, plus 10 wealth

Surface area: 1 square meter = 100 square decimeter = 10000 square centimeter = 1000000 square millimeter
The volume and volume are the same: 1 cubic meter = 1000 cubic decimeter = 1000000 cubic centimeter = 1000000000 cubic millimeter

The volume of an apple is about 60
The volume of a refrigerator is about 0.5

Thank you
The volume of an apple is about 60 cubic centimeters
The volume of a refrigerator is about 0.5 cubic meters

The time unit of measurement based on () telecontrol is called month

The moon goes round the earth (from a certain point on the earth back to that point)
The time taken by a star on the moon and earth to be in the same straight line twice