How thick can the 48 cubic meters of yellow sand transported by the road repair team be paved on a section of road 120 meters long and 8 meters wide

How thick can the 48 cubic meters of yellow sand transported by the road repair team be paved on a section of road 120 meters long and 8 meters wide

Thickness = 48 ﹣ 120 ﹣ 8 = 0.05m = 5cm

How many tons is a cubic meter of coal

Your question is too unspecific!
The density of coal is different
General coal is about 1 cubic meter 2300 kg!

How many cubic meters is a ton of coal equal to? What is the density of ordinary boiler coal?

The density of coal varies with different types of coal, and is greatly affected by the moisture content and air humidity. In general, fine coal particle: 0.75-1.0 T / m3; lignite: 0.65-0.78 T / m3; dry anthracite: 0.8-0.95 T / m3; dry lump Peat: 0.33-0.40 T / m3; new coal powder: 0