What are the functions of ground curing agent?

What are the functions of ground curing agent?

Geocement is what we often call the ground curing agent. It is similar to the interface agent (wall cement) in principle and function. Geocement mainly acts on the cement floor to prevent dust from rising when paving the floor or floor tiles. At the same time, it can also play the role of isolation and reinforcement. Take Raines material as an example: the color of geocement is mainly green, diluted with water and used directly. The material has passed the green ten ring certification, It is a good domestic enterprise

How many cubic meters is five tons of sand

Generally, the main component of dry sand is silica, and the density of silica is 2.65g/cm3
First measure 1 ml of sand with a measuring cylinder, and then weigh the sand on the balance. Then pour out the sand and measure the weight of the measuring cylinder. Then reduce the weight of the cylinder with the total weight. Divide the weight of the sand by the volume, and the density is 1.4-1.7g/cm3
The volume of 5 tons of sand is between 2.94 and 3.57 cubic meters

Who can tell me how many cubic meters is a ton of ordinary sand stone

The value of ordinary sand stone itself is not much, the bulk density of different particle sizes is different, and it is unnecessary to specify that it is too fine. Therefore, the state stipulates that ordinary sand stone should be measured and settled according to the average bulk density in transportation and use, that is, one cubic meter is 1.5 tons, and vice versa, one ton is 0.67 cubic meters