How many liters is the standard volume of a bottle of nitrogen under the pressure of 12MPa? How many cubic meters is each bottle? Solution, formula, algorithm!

How many liters is the standard volume of a bottle of nitrogen under the pressure of 12MPa? How many cubic meters is each bottle? Solution, formula, algorithm!

Clapeyron equation: PV = NRT. P is the pressure, V is the volume of gas, n is the amount of material, t is the absolute temperature, R is the gas constant. When n, R, t are fixed, the pressure is inversely proportional to the volume. As long as you know the volume at 1 atm, you can calculate the volume at 12MPa

I would like to ask the steam pressure is 6kg / cm2, a cubic equivalent to how many tons?

According to the properties of saturated steam, the unit weight is 3.6 kg / m3 at 6 kg / cm2 gauge pressure, which can be found in the steam properties table. In other words, a cubic of saturated steam is equal to 0.0036 tons at 6 kg / cm2 gauge pressure

How much pressure is 0.2MPa equal to

0.2MPa is equal to 200000pa, that is, two atmospheres. As for pressure, it needs to be multiplied by the area (square meter) bearing the pressure. The unit of force obtained is cattle