How many kilos does a cubic stone weigh? How many kilos does a cubic sand weigh

How many kilos does a cubic stone weigh? How many kilos does a cubic sand weigh

One cubic meter of sand weighs about one ton of stone, depending on the size and density

How many tons is a cubic stone

The weight of crushed stone is related to its particle size. If the particle size of crushed stone is large, the density will be small if there are more voids; if the particle size of crushed stone is small, the density will be large if there are less voids. In this way, the weight of one cubic meter of crushed stone is not fixed, and the weight of one cubic meter of crushed stone should be 1.3 ~ 1.7 tons

How many cubic meters is 36 tons of gravel

The density of stone is 2.7 T / m3,
Therefore, 36 △ 2.7 ≈ 13.3m3 is used