How many tons of concrete are there on one side

How many tons of concrete are there on one side

The raw materials of concrete are divided into: Gravel sand, cement water, the largest proportion should be gravel, its proportion is generally about 2.7, followed by sand 1.1.95, cement 1.3, and water 1.0
Generally, the specific gravity of concrete is about 1.2.45, that is to say, no matter how good the concrete is, it will not exceed 2.5 tons

A rectangular steel plate is 10 meters long and 4 meters wide. It weighs 8 kg per square meter. How many kg does this steel plate weigh?

The area of this rectangle is 10 × 4 = 40 square meters
Weight = 40 × 8 = 320 kg

What is the weight of 12mm steel plate

It depends on the width and thickness of the steel plate
12mm steel plate with an area of 1m2, weight = 0.012m * 1m2 * 7850kg / m3 = 94.2kg