How much carbon dioxide does a carbonated drink contain

How much carbon dioxide does a carbonated drink contain

Carbonated beverage is a kind of beverage filled with carbon dioxide gas under certain conditions, including carbonated beverage, aerated sports beverage and other specific varieties, excluding the beverage produced by fermentation itself. The content of carbon dioxide in the finished product (volume multiple at 20 ℃) is not less than 2.0 times

There are six identical cylindrical cement columns in the school auditorium, each of which is 5.2 meters high and 1.5 meters in circumference. It is calculated as 4 square meters per kilogram of paint,
How many kilos of paint does it take to finish the cement?

Side area of cement column = 1.5 × 5.2 = 7.8 (M2)
Paint area of 6 cement columns = 7.8 × 6 = 46.8 (M2)
Paint required = 46.8 △ 4 = 11.7 (kg)

The floor area of a square is 9 square meters. Now, how many square tiles need to be laid on the floor with a side length of 3 decimeters?

100 square decimeters is equal to 1 square meter. The side length is 3 decimeters, and the area is 9 square decimeters. Therefore, a total of 100 pieces are required