A cuboid column, 4.5m high, the floor is a square with side length of 0.6, and the size of tile is 0.6 * 0.6 How many pieces do you need

A cuboid column, 4.5m high, the floor is a square with side length of 0.6, and the size of tile is 0.6 * 0.6 How many pieces do you need

There is no need to calculate the area in this problem
Because the width of the column is 0.6 meters, and the side length of the ceramic tile is also 0.6 meters
Just calculate how many tiles 4.5 meters high: 4.5 △ 0.6 = 7.5 tiles
All sides: 7.5 × 4 = 30 pieces
A total of 30 yuan

There are four cuboid pillars in the school auditorium, which are 4 decimeters long and 6 meters wide and 6 meters high. Now we need to paint these pillars for decoration. What is the area of paint
square meter?

84 square meters, if the top needs painting, the total area is 4 square meters

In the square in front of Xinmin building, a rectangular column is poured with concrete. It is 2 meters long and the bottom side is 0.6 meters long. What is the surface area of the column?

The bottom area multiplied by the height is the amount of concrete you need
3M * 0.6m * 0.6m = 1.08m3 (M3)
We can raise 1.1m3 (cubic meter) more than we need