8 g oxygen, 0.1 mol oxygen contains protons and electrons

8 g oxygen, 0.1 mol oxygen contains protons and electrons

(1) 8 divided by 32 is 0.25
Therefore, 8g oxygen is 0.25mol
(2) 1 times 16 is 1.6
Therefore, 0.1mol oxygen contains 1.6mol electrons
Because the number of electrons equals the number of protons
Therefore, it contains 1.6mol protons
If you don't understand, you are welcome to ask,

The power ratio of a and B diesel engines is 4:3. The efficiency of a is 40% and that of B is 35%. What is the fuel consumption ratio of a and B diesel engines per hour

Answer: 7:6
The ratio of fuel consumption is the ratio of all heat released, i.e. the ratio of Q to discharge
Work ratio:
W A: W B = p a T: P B T = P A: P B = 4:3
Efficiency: η = w / Q
But: η A: η B = w a / Q A: W B / Q B = 40%: 35% = 8:7
That is: w a Q B: W B q a = 8:7
Substituting: W A: W B = 4:3, we get:
4q B: 3Q a = 8:7
We get: Q A: Q B = 7:6
I don't know what to ask

In the canteen, a bucket of vegetable oil weighs 5.6kg. After using half of the oil, the bucket weighs 3.1kg. This bucket weighs several thousand grams? Empty bucket weighs

Oil 5, barrel 0.6kg
Oil x, barrel y
x +y=5.6

15 kg vegetable oil is packed in three weight boxes. It is known that the first bucket weighs 4.25 kg and the third bucket weighs 6.5 kg. How many kg?
15 kg vegetable oil is packed in three weight boxes. It is known that the first barrel weighs 4.25 kg, the second 5.75 kg and the third 6.5 kg. How many kg?

(4.25 + 5.75 + 6.5-15) △ 3 = 0.5 (kg)
5 kg per barrel

Empty 1 / 3 cask of rapeseed oil weighs 5.4kg, then fill the cask with rapeseed oil weighs 14kg. How much is the oil? How much is the cask?

(1) 14-5.4 = 8.6 (kg) this is another two-thirds of the weight of rapeseed oil
(2) the total weight of rapeseed oil can be calculated by 8.6 △ 2 △ 3 = 12.9 (kg)
(3) 14-12.9 = 1.1 (kg) the weight of empty barrel is obtained by subtracting the weight of rapeseed oil from the total weight

The total weight of two barrels of oil is 45kg. After pouring 1 / 4 of barrel a into barrel B, barrel a is 1 / 2 of barrel B. how many kg of oil does barrel a and barrel B have?

The solution of a + B = 450.75a = (B + 0.25A) is a = 20, B = 250.75 is 1-0.25

The total weight of the two barrels of oil a and B is 45kg. When one fourth of the oil a is poured into the second barrel, the ratio is 2:3

After pouring into barrel B, the oil weight of barrel a = 45 * 2 / (3 + 2) = 90 / 5 = 18 kg
The original weight of a barrel of oil is 18 / (1-1 / 4) = 18 / (3 / 4) = 24 kg
Original weight of B barrel oil = 45-24 = 21kg

Four fifths of a barrel of oil is 120kg. How many kilograms is two thirds of this barrel of oil?

It's 120 △ 4 / 5 × 2 / 3 = 100 kg

What is the mass of diesel consumed when a diesel engine with 40% efficiency outputs 660000j of useful work? (Q diesel = 4.3x10 ^ 7J / kg)

When a diesel engine with 40% efficiency outputs 660000j of useful work
The mass of diesel consumed = (660000j / 40%) / (4.3 * 10 ^ 7J / kg) = 0.03837kg

The efficiency of a diesel engine is 40%. What is the physical meaning?

The efficiency of a diesel engine is 40%, which means that the part of energy used by the diesel engine to do useful work accounts for 40% of the energy released by the complete combustion of diesel