The volume of 9ml mixed gas composed of CO, CO2 and O2 decreases by 1ml when it returns to the original state after ignition and explosion, and decreases by 5m after NaOH solution is added The volume ratio of CO, CO2 and O2 in the mixed gas is: (there seem to be two sets of answers, but the process and answer are needed)

The volume of 9ml mixed gas composed of CO, CO2 and O2 decreases by 1ml when it returns to the original state after ignition and explosion, and decreases by 5m after NaOH solution is added The volume ratio of CO, CO2 and O2 in the mixed gas is: (there seem to be two sets of answers, but the process and answer are needed)

Because the volume of 2CO + O2 = 2co2 is reduced by 1ml, 2ml CO and 1ml O2 react to form 2ml CO2 NaOH solution, which absorbs 5ml CO2. So there is 3ml CO2 (but the volume of CO and O2 is uncertain, only the volume sum of them is 6ml and the reaction in 2CO + O2 = 2co2 is complete, so there is an excess gas)

It is known that in the same state, the ratio of the number of molecules between the gas molecules is equal to the volume ratio of the gas molecules. Ignite 30 ml of the mixture of methane and oxygen, cool it to room temperature, and the measured volume of the gas is 16 ml, then the volume ratio of methane and oxygen in the original 30 ml?

The volume of methane and the volume of oxygen, the volume of methane and the volume of oxygen, the volume of reaction, the volume of methane and the volume of oxygen are respectively x, y.ch4 + 2O2 & nbsp; respectively x, y, the volume of methane and the volume of the volume of methane and the volume of the volume of oxygen, the volume of methane and the volume of the volume of methane and the volume of oxygen are respectively x, y.ch4 + 2O2 & nbsp; ignition & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp & nbsp; & & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp; & & nbsp; & nbsp & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 30mL-16mL 12=X30mL−16mL   x=7mL  22 = y30ml − 16mly = 14ml, because 7ml + 14ml = 21ml < 30ml, the remaining gas is 30ml-7ml-14ml = 9ml, assuming that the remaining gas is methane, the volume ratio of methane and oxygen in original 30ml is (9ml + 7ml): 14ml = 8:7; assuming that the remaining gas is oxygen, the volume ratio of methane and oxygen in original 30ml is: 7ml: (14ml + 9ml) = 7:23 For = 8:7 or 7:23

What is the 12 hour rated power of diesel engine?
Is it the maximum power output in 12 hours of continuous operation or the average power output in 12 hours?

The maximum effective power that allows a diesel engine to run continuously for 12 hours is also called rated power

How to convert medium density units? For example, 19.3g/cm & # 179; = () kg / M & # 179;

19.3g/cm & # 179; converted to () kg / M & # 179;
Multiply both sides of the equation by the sixth power of 10 to get 19.3 * 10 sixth power g / M & # 179;
That is 19300kg / M and 179;

20G density of 19.3g/cm ^ 3 gold and 10g density of 8.9g/cm ^ 3 copper are used to make a handicraft. What is the density of the handicraft
With formula, the process should be detailed

The volume of gold V gold = 20 / 19.3 (CM & # 179;)
The volume of copper V copper = 10 / 8.9 (CM & # 179;)
Total volume vtotal = (20 / 19.3 + 10 / 8.9) (CM & # 179;)
Total weight wtotal = (20 + 10) g
The density of handicrafts is: wtotal / vtotal = (20 + 10) g / (20 / 19.3 + 10 / 8.9) (CM & # 179;) = 13.89 g / cm & # 179;

Gold and silver jewelry a gram, the gold content is not less than 90%, the density is gold 19.3g/cm silver
Gold and silver jewelry a g, the gold content is not less than 90%, the density is gold 19.3 g / cm3 and silver 10.5 g / cm3 respectively, the volume value is expressed by inequality (mass = density * volume)

Let B G contain gold, then A-B g contain silver
According to the meaning of the title
Let the volume of jewelry be v

How to convert density units? For example, 1.8g/cm ^ 3=_____ kg/m^3


How is density unit: 1g / cm ^ 3 = 1x10 ^ 3kg / m ^ 3 converted?

1g /cm^3=0.001kg/0.000001m^3=1x10^3kg/m^3

m/s----km/h kw/h--J Kg/m3-- g/ cm3 L--ml--g--- kg

1 kw/h=3.6×10^6J
1000Kg/m3=1g/ cm3
1g=0.001 kg
I don't know what to ask

How to convert weight and mass

If the buoyancy, latitude and altitude are ignored, the weight on the earth is equal to the mass, or 1:1