The pressure ratio of H2 and O2 at the same temperature, volume and mass is

The pressure ratio of H2 and O2 at the same temperature, volume and mass is

The pressure ratio of H2 and O2 at the same temperature, volume and mass = molar reciprocal ratio = 32 / 2 = 16:1

The volume composition of the mixed gas with H2 and O2 is 20% VH2 and 80% VO2. The average molecular weight of the mixed gas is calculated

The volume fraction is the mass fraction of matter, so it is directly considered that H2: 0.2mol, O2: 0.8mol
Average molar mass = total mass / amount of total substance = (0.2 * 2 + 0.8 * 32) / (0.2 + 0.8) = 26
Answer: 26

The relationship between pressure, temperature and volume of a certain mass of gas
What is the relationship between pressure, volume and temperature of a certain mass of gas? It's better to have a unit

Ideal gas equation of state PV / T = constant
P is the pressure, V is the volume, t is the temperature (temperature in K)
Your problem is that the pressure changes the change of temperature. If the volume remains unchanged, it should be that the temperature rise will lead to the increase of pressure. If the volume changes, it can't be said what's going on

Pressure volume temperature of gas
For a certain amount of gas, if n is used to express the number of molecules colliding with the wall unit area in unit time, then (when the pressure is constant and the volume and temperature change, n must change), please give a detailed explanation to the correct answer in brackets
If the temperature increases, the volume of the container will increase. If the temperature increases, the average velocity will increase, but the area will increase. N may not change

In physics, volume, temperature, pressure and other physical quantities are used to describe the state of gas. These physical quantities are called the state parameters of gas. Generally, as long as any one of the state parameters changes, we say that the state of gas has changed

At the same temperature and pressure, the same volume of gas has the same number of molecules, and vice versa. Take the same volume of CO and O2 at the same temperature and pressure, mix them, fully react under certain conditions, and return to the initial temperature and pressure
The volume ratio of CO to O2 is 2:1
The number of CO2 molecules generated by B is two-thirds of that of the original gas molecules
The volume of gas after C reaction is three fourths of the original
The ratio of the number of C and O atoms in the gas after D reaction is one to two

Let a and C have the same number of molecules in the same volume of CO and O2 at the same temperature and pressure, that is, the same amount of material. Let both be 1.2co + O2 = 2co2a, and the volume ratio of CO and O2 in the reaction is 2:1 (correct, the amount of reaction is determined by the coefficient ratio of the chemical equation)

The relationship between the pressure P and the temperature T of the gas under the condition of constant volume
Temperature and pressure
1 0 100
2 25 110
3 50 120
4 75 130
5 100 140

Change the temperature to Kelvin
1 273 100
2 298 110
3 323 120
4 348 130
5 373 140
It can be seen that P △ t = constant
According to Avogadro's law, PV = NRT

What is the relationship between density and air pressure?

Under normal temperature and constant temperature, the density is linearly proportional to the pressure

Is there a relationship between pressure and density?

Liquid pressure = liquid density × liquid depth × acceleration of gravity
The pressure of a liquid at a certain depth is proportional to its density

I want to ask if there is a relationship between density and pressure
So, why does the pressure in the container decrease, for example, if the air in the container is heated, the pressure in the container will increase

Density = m / V, v = m / density
Under pressure = MGH = mg * 3 root sign V 2
Bring (1) into (2)
P = mg * under the third root sign (M / density)
So the lower the density, the higher the pressure with the same mass
(PS: the desired equation can be obtained by the equivalent relationship of each quantity in the stand.)

The relationship between pressure and density
I got a question, saying that the water pressure at the bottom of a deeper river is higher, so the water density is higher. Why? If P = Rou * g * H / is used to explain, then h is also larger,

When the pressure is high, the distance between molecules becomes smaller and the density becomes larger