According to the volume ratio of 1:2:3 composed of N2, O2, CO2 gas mixture 100 grams, calculate the volume

According to the volume ratio of 1:2:3 composed of N2, O2, CO2 gas mixture 100 grams, calculate the volume

The average molecular weight of the mixture is 1 / 6 * 28 + 2 / 6 * 32 + 3 / 6 * 44 = 37.3333
The mole number of the mixed gas: 100 / 37.3333 = 2.6786
Total volume of the gas mixture: 2.6786 * 22.4 = 60 (L)
N2: 60 * 1 / 6 = 10 (L)
O2: 60 * 2 / 6 = 20 (L)
CO2: 60 * 3 / 6 = 30 (L)

When the equal amount of N2 O2 CO2 mixture passes through Na2O2, the volume becomes 8 / 9 of the original (at the same temperature and pressure)
The ratio of a 3:4:1, B 3:3:2, C 6:7:3, D 6:9:10

Because nitrogen and oxygen do not react with Na2O2, the volume reduction is caused by CO2. The amount of N2, O2 and CO2 mixture is y mol. if the amount of CO2 participating in the reaction is 2x mol, the remaining CO2 is y-2x) mol2na2o2 + 2co2 = 2na2co3 + o22x, and the volume reduction is x (3y-x) / 3Y = 8 / 9, then 2x / y = 2

How to think about the problem of density? There are also some differences in the density of volume
How to think about the expansion of density

"Seek, seek and use"“
Find the constant quantity in the middle;
Find the invariant;
Use this invariant to solve the problem

The calculation formula of liquid pressure is p=____ =_____ =_____ =______ =Density GH

Because: v = sh, M = ρ, v = ρ sh, f = mg = ρ VG = ρ GSH
And P = f / s
So: P = f / S = mg / S = ρ VG / S = ρ GSH / S = ρ GH

According to the pressure calculation formula P = f / s, try to deduce the formula to calculate the liquid pressure: P = р GH, (where p is the density of the liquid, h is the height of the liquid.)


The formula of liquid pressure is p = density GH and H =?

H = pressure / (density × g)

Can we use the formula of liquid pressure to put a ball in water? P = f / s or P = ρ GH, if P = ρ GH, is the density of ball or liquid

A: use p = ρ GH, which is the formula of liquid pressure. The formula is derived from the pressure formula P = f / s, which regards liquid as liquid column. Therefore, the density of liquid should be used

Why do dense celestial bodies attract more?

It's not that the greater the density, the greater the gravity. It should be that the greater the mass, the greater the gravity. Maybe you mean relative to the same volume of stars
Add the formula below
Among them:
F: The attraction between two objects
G: Gravitational constant
M1: mass of object 1
M2: mass of object 2
r: The distance between two objects

Is gravity about the density or the volume of a celestial body?
Is the greater the density, the greater the gravity, or is the larger the volume, the greater the gravity?

The size of gravitation depends on the mass of celestial bodies, so the density and volume of celestial bodies are related, not one of them

What are the units of physical quantities in the density formula?
What are the units of physical quantities in the pressure formula?
What are the physical units in buoyancy formula?
What are the units of physical quantities in the solubility formula?
What are the physical units in the solute mass fraction formula?

Density = mass / volume density: kg / m3 mass: kg volume: m3 pressure = pressure / area pressure: PA pressure: F area: M2 buoyancy = density * g * volume density of liquid: kg / m3 G: n / kg volume of liquid: m3 solubility: (solute mass / volume mass) * 100g (g) unit is gram (g) solution