College physics problem: try to find the electric field strength of a point (far from the straight line R) outside the infinite uniform charged line

College physics problem: try to find the electric field strength of a point (far from the straight line R) outside the infinite uniform charged line

Gauss theorem can be used to make a cylindrical closed surface with a straight wire as the axis, a bottom radius of R and a height of L,
So e = λ / (2 π R ε.)

Density of liquid gas
Who knows
What is the density of various gases in liquid state?
For example: oxygen, nitrogen, radon, krypton, carbon dioxide and so on

Liquid oxygen: density 1.141 g / cm & sup3 at normal pressure (101.325 kPa);;
Liquid nitrogen: 0.810g/cm & sup3;;
Liquid carbon dioxide, relative density 1.101g/cm & sup3; (- 37 ℃);

Is the density of a gas greater than that of a liquid?

The gas with the highest density is radon gas, which is 0.01g/ml, only 1.25% of oil. Therefore, the density of no gas is greater than that of liquid. However, this is only a guess, because it is difficult to define the liquid with the lowest density, and it is difficult to say whether there is a liquid with enough low density

Is the density of a gas necessarily less than that of a liquid
The density of a solid must be higher than that of a liquid
Give me a counterexample

The density of a gas must be smaller than that of a liquid: because the molecular spacing of a gas is larger than that of a liquid and a solid
But the density of solid is not necessarily higher than that of liquid: for example, the density of wood is lower than that of water, so it can float on water; but the density of stone and steel is higher than that of water, so it can only sink into water

Do liquids and gases have the same density
Such as the title

Generally, the density of liquid is higher than that of gas, because from the molecular point of view, the molecular spacing of liquid is much smaller than that of gas, because the larger the molecular spacing of material is, the smaller the density is

What is the density of general solid, liquid and gas?
But I just need a rough range.

The density of water is 1000kg / m3 mercury 13.6 × 103 lead 11.3 × 103 copper 8.9 × 103 iron 7.9 × 103 common material density table (1g / cm3 = 1000kg / m3 = 1t / m3) material name density (g / cm3) material name density (g / cm3) water 1.00 glass 2.60 ice 0.92 lead 11.40 Silver 1

Unit conversion: 5T 3kg = () kg

5 tons 3 kg = (5003) kg
I wish you progress in your study

What's the unit conversion between feet and meters? And pounds and kilograms?

1 ft = 0.3048 M
1m = 3.2808398950131ft
1 pound = 0.4536 kg
1kg = 2.2046226

Unit conversion: how many kilos is 30000 ML

1L = 1000ml = 1kg
30000ml = 30L = 30kg (water)

About unit conversion. How to convert liter to kilogram?

Yes, a liter of water is a kilogram, but a liter of milk is not a kilogram, and a liter of gasoline is not a kilogram. The mass of a liter depends on its density