Conversion table of physical length unit

Conversion table of physical length unit

Velocity: 1m / S = 60m / min = 0.06km / min = 3.6km/h mass: 1mg = 0.001g = 0.000001kg = 0.000000001t volume: 1cm = 0.001 cubic decimeter = 0.000001m3 density: 1kg / m ^ 3 = 1000g / m ^ 3 = 1g / DM ^ 2 = 0.001g / cm ^ 2 volume: 1L = 1000ml 1 light year = 9.46

Is there a volume conversion table

Volume unit conversion table cubic meter (M3) liter (L, DM3) cubic centimeter (cm3, ML, C.C) cubic foot (FT3) cubic inch (in3) cubic meter (M3) 1 103 106 35.3147 6.10237 × 104 liter (L, DM3) 10-3 1 103 3.53147 × 10-2 61.0237 cubic centimeter (cm3, ml, C.C) 10-6 10-3 1

Wire rope 6 * 19-32 m converted to kg

It depends on the internal structure of the wire rope, whether it is steel core or fiber core
Steel core 0.0038977 fiber core 0.0034477
Calculation formula: square of diameter times length times unit weight coefficient (as above)

What is the meaning of kg / 100m in wire rope? What is the lifting capacity of wire rope with diameter of 19.5?
It's not the weight of the wire rope, but the "amount" of the lifting. How many tons? I'm confused. What's the meaning of kg / 100M?

How heavy is a 100 meter steel wire rope? 19.5 tons at most

The diameter of 32, 6 * 19 wire rope is more than one meter?

About 5.12kn/m

How many kilos of 6 × 37 15.5 steel wire rope can be converted into weight per meter

Please see which kind of wire rope core is, you can find it by following!
Natural fiber core wire rope: 0.913kg/m
Synthetic fiber core wire rope: 0.892kg/m
Steel core wire rope: 1.004kg/m

How to calculate the safe lifting capacity of wire rope and its formula

Thermal iotgkghlntseln

How to calculate the weight of standard wire rope?

6x37-fc 6 * 19-fc diameter x diameter x3.46 = 1km weight
Wire rope industry net has wire rope knowledge

Calculation method of wire rope hoisting weight

The lifting weight is not calculated, it is made according to his material. Generally, it is the dead number. The tensile strength and other parameters are available in the manual. The thickness of steel wire rope, the number of steel wire ropes, and the breaking force of each steel wire rope are obtained through the tensile test. The manufacturer has the parameter table and the national standard. The rest is the problem of one by two by four

How to calculate the diameter of steel wire rope by weight? We also need to know what conditions need to have a formula. Empirical formula can also be used, but it must be calculated by weight

I don't know what level of your education level is. This problem may involve the principle of calculus
1. First cut a meter long wire rope and weigh it m
2. Then weigh the weight m of all wire ropes,
3. Get the length of wire rope L = m / m
4. Then the cross-sectional area s of wire rope is obtained by curve integral. When calculating the mass of curve, the mass = density * arc length is used. When doing curve integral, the curve has no size. In fact, the integral can only obtain arc length. So the density here is the mass per unit length (linear density), This special linear density is the density (volume density) multiplied by the area of the curve
5. Finally, the section radius r of wire rope is obtained from the section area s = π R ^ 2, and the diameter d = 2R is obtained