How many kilos of oil per liter?

How many kilos of oil per liter?

Density = mass / volume
So mass = volume * density
So mass = 1L * 0.8 * 1000kg / m3
Mass = 0.8kg

How many kilos is a liter of LNG

0.43 to 0.47kg

How many kilos of diesel is one liter of diesel?

The density and fluidity of diesel vary with temperature
The standard density is: No.0 light diesel, that is, vehicle diesel, at 20 ℃, the specific gravity with water is 0.84-0.86
A kilogram of diesel is about 1.162-1.190 (liter)
A liter of diesel is about 0.84-0.86 (kg)

Another volume unit is dl. How to convert it to l?


Physical conversion 1L equals one DM
Such as the title

1m3 = 1000L = 1000000 cubic decimeter

How much is the volume of 1l water converted into cm ^ 3 or m ^ 3

1L is 1 cubic decimeter = 1000cm ^ 3 = 0.001M ^ 3

How many tons is one liter?
Conversion of liter to ton

Ton is the unit of weight and liter is the unit of volume. There is no direct conversion. Only when you know the specific gravity of a certain substance, can you calculate it. For example, if the specific gravity (density) of water is 1kg / L, then 1 ton of water = 1000 × 1kg / L = 1000 liters
That is to say
Weight = volume * density
But it's not the same with alcohol
There are other liquids
The density is different

How much is one liter of paint
How much does 18L paint weigh?

I searched for 1.15kg per liter of white background and 1.22kg per liter of topcoat

How many grams is 1 l edible oil equal to?
How many grams is a liter of cooking oil equal to?

The density of the oil is 0.8g/ml
One liter equals 1000 ml
800g = 1.6kg

How much is 1L Baijiu?

In short,
One Jin is 500 ml
1L = 1000ml = 2kg