How many jin is 1 l edible oil equal to

How many jin is 1 l edible oil equal to

This is related to the density of edible oil. The density of different edible oil is generally 0.8-0.95kg/l, that is, 1L edible oil is about 1.6-1.9kg

Which objects in your home have a capacity of about one liter?

The capacity of a coke bottle at home is about 1 liter; the capacity of a small vase is about 1 liter

Which containers have a volume of 1 ml or 1 l

A 1 ml container has a measuring cylinder,
There are measuring cylinders of 1 liter, all kinds of measuring cylinders

What are the 1-liter, 1-milliliter objects in life

Coca Cola has 1.5 liters. Tsingtao beer is 600 ml. some drinks are 500 ml. you can buy two bottles and pour them together. Liters are calculated by volume. The weight is different if the proportion of the contents is different
1 milliliters of things are relatively small, a small bottle of nail polish is more than 5 milliliters.

What's the conversion between Volume 1 liter and cubic decimeter

1 liter = 1 cubic meter = 1000 cubic decimeter
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Tick the volume greater than 1 liter
1. Kettle ()
2. Bowl ()
3. Barrel ()
4. Oil bottle ()
5. Rice pot ()
6. Cup ()
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What's the volume of a suitcase?

1,3,5 hook
One trunk volume = 2 * 6 * 8 = 96dm3

How to convert volume CC and ML?

CC (metric volume unit)
=Cubic centimeter
(compound unit, which has strict international regulations on centimeter: centimeter is equal to one 400000 times of passing through Paris meridian)
A metric unit of capacity
=A metric unit of capacity equal to 1 / 1000 liters
The volume of 1 gram of water at 0 ℃ standard atmospheric pressure

How to convert CC and ML?

1cc = 1ml

What is the conversion relationship between CC and ML?

CC is the same as ml
100cc = 100ml is right

What formula is used to convert CC into ML

CC. = cubic centimeter is the unit of volume;
Ml. = milliliter is the unit of volume
They are equal in number