The magnification of the microscope is equal to?

The magnification of the microscope is equal to?

The magnification of a microscope is equal to that of an eyepiece multiplied by that of an objective lens

The magnification of a microscope is equal to______ Multiplication of magnification______ The magnification of the system

The magnification of a microscope is equal to that of an eyepiece multiplied by that of an objective lens. The larger the magnification of a microscope, the larger the number of cells seen, but the least; the smaller the magnification of a microscope, the smaller the number of cells seen, but the most

The magnification of a microscope is equal to how many times how many. The object image seen under the microscope is - (the top, bottom, left and right are opposite)

1. Magnification calculation method: objective lens magnification * eyepiece magnification
2. Object image reverse image, is your configuration is reverse, you can change the configuration, into a positive image