What is the microscope with the highest magnification at present? emergency No, how did I find out it was a scanning tunneling microscope?

What is the microscope with the highest magnification at present? emergency No, how did I find out it was a scanning tunneling microscope?

It's a scanning tunneling microscope. It's in the first class of junior high school
Electron microscope is mainly used to observe microorganisms, delicate parts of micro macro objects, so its main role is clear
Scanning tunneling microscope (STM) is mainly used to observe the microstructure of molecules, atoms and even smaller, but the structure is fuzzy
The main function of scanning tunneling microscope is to magnify and enlarge. So it should be scanning tunneling microscope

How to calculate the magnification of microscope?
Calculation formula, maximum multiple, minimum multiple. Selection of objective lens. Only used to observe the cell level. How many times is enough

Magnification = multiple of objective lens * multiple of eyepiece,
Maximum multiple = maximum multiple of objective lens * multiple of eyepiece
Minimum multiple = minimum multiple of objective lens * multiple of eyepiece
The choice of objective lens is from small to large
400 times can be observed cells, 1000 times a little more magnification

The magnification of a microscope is___ And___ Amplification factor___ .

The magnification of a microscope is sum. The objective of the microscope first presents the inverted real image, * 100 is 100 times, the eyepiece presents the upright virtual image, * 40 is 40 times, and the total magnification is 4000 times