How many square kilometers does North Korea have

How many square kilometers does North Korea have

Claiming to be three thousand li of beautiful rivers and mountains, it is actually 120540 square kilometers

The area of Japan is equal to several provinces of China

How large is Japan's land area than that of Yunnan in China
Japan covers an area of 377708 square kilometers, the same as California in the United States. It is about 1.5 times the area of Britain, 10 times that of Taiwan, 61 times that of Singapore and 361 times that of Hong Kong
Three fourths of Japan's territory is forested hills and mountains, with few plains, short and rapid rivers and abundant water resources
The Japanese archipelago is located in the orogenic belt, so there are more earthquakes and volcanism

The largest province in China, including autonomous region, etc

China's largest administrative region is Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, covering an area of about 1.66 million square kilometers
Xinjiang is the largest province in China, accounting for one sixth of the total area
If the sea area is also included, Hainan Province is more than 400000 km2 larger than Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, which is the largest province in China