The volume of a cylindrical bucket is 25 cubic decimeters, and its inner bottom area is 5 square decimeters. It contains 3 / 5 barrels of water. How high is the water surface? A 2-meter-deep cylindrical tank can hold 25.12 tons of water. What is the floor area of the tank? What is the bottom radius? (the mass of water per cubic meter is 1 ton) For the formula and the answer, it's OK. It's better to bring the formula

The volume of a cylindrical bucket is 25 cubic decimeters, and its inner bottom area is 5 square decimeters. It contains 3 / 5 barrels of water. How high is the water surface? A 2-meter-deep cylindrical tank can hold 25.12 tons of water. What is the floor area of the tank? What is the bottom radius? (the mass of water per cubic meter is 1 ton) For the formula and the answer, it's OK. It's better to bring the formula

1.25x3/5 = 15 (cubic decimeter) 15 divided by 5 = 3 (centimeter)
A: the water is 3cm high
2.25.12 tons = 25.12 cubic meters 25.12 divided by 2 = 12.56 (cubic meters)
12.56 divided by 3.14 = 4 = 2x2
A: the pool covers an area of 12.56 square meters with a radius of 2 cm