The volume of a cylinder bucket is 16 cubic decimeters, the volume of the inner bottom of the bucket is 2 square meters, which contains a bucket of water. How many decimeters is the water surface high?

The volume of a cylinder bucket is 16 cubic decimeters, the volume of the inner bottom of the bucket is 2 square meters, which contains a bucket of water. How many decimeters is the water surface high?

16 / 2 = 8 decimeters

The volume of a cylindrical bucket is 25 cubic decimeters, the inner bottom area is 5 square decimeters, three fifths of the bucket of water. How many decimeters is the water surface high?

Three fifths of the volume is multiplied by 25 to get 15. 15 is the volume of water, and then 15 is divided by the bottom area to get the height of the water surface of three decimeters

The volume of a cylindrical bucket is 50.24 cubic decimeters, and the diameter of its inner bottom is 4 decimeters. It contains five eighths of a bucket of water. How high is the water surface?

The water surface is 0.25m high