How to prepare 75% ethanol solution with 95% ethanol

How to prepare 75% ethanol solution with 95% ethanol

0.267 l distilled water is needed to prepare 75% ethanol solution with 1 l 95% ethanol

How to prepare 75% alcohol with 500ml 95% alcohol?
What's the formula?

It's a simple arithmetic problem. If we don't calculate the volume change of the mixture, let the total volume after dilution be x, 75% * x = 500 * 95%, x = 633.33, then the water to be added is 633.33-500 = 133.33 (ML)

Reagents for detection of alcohol

Chromium trioxide (CrO3) is a strong oxidant, while ethanol (alcohol) is reductive. The following reaction takes place: 2cro3 + 3c2h5oh + 3h2so4 = = CR2 (SO4) 3 + 3ch3cho + 6H2O
The product chromium sulfate is blue-green. This color change is obvious and can be used to detect alcohol vapor

Which of the following reagents has the same effect in the two experiments ()
A. The role of alcohol in "observation of plant cell mitosis" and "detection of fat in biological tissue" B. the role of hydrochloric acid in "observation of plant cell mitosis" and "changes of plant chromosome number induced by low temperature" C. The role of cus04 in "detection of reducing sugar in biological tissue" and "detection of protein in biological tissue" D The role of distilled water in "extracting pure animal cell membrane" and "exploring the optimal concentration of auxin analogues to promote rooting of cuttings"

A. The function of alcohol in "observing cell mitosis" is to dissociate tissue, while the function in "detecting fat in biological tissue" is to wash away floating color, a wrong; B, hydrochloric acid have the same function in "observing plant cell mitosis" and "low temperature induced changes in plant chromosome number", both of which are to the tissue

What are the effects of different concentrations of HCl and alcohol on high school students?
For example, how many concentrations are required for preparation of dissociation solution, chromatography solution, disinfection, and DNA extraction?

Dissociation solution: 15% HCl and 95% alcohol
Anhydrous ethanol:
Function: extract pigment
70% alcohol
Function: medical disinfection
Carnoy's fluid
Mix 95% alcohol and 32% glacial acetic acid
Function: do apical fixative
Crude extraction of DNA: anhydrous ethanol cooled at least below 5 ℃ for more than 24 h

The role of alcohol in observing plant cell mitosis

Alcohol as a fixative or component of a fixative
Generally use Carnot fixed solution (alcohol: acetic acid = 3:1), stored at 4 ℃, ready for use

Given a + B = 5, ab = 3, find the cube of a times B plus the square of 2A times the square of B plus the cube of a times B


What is the result of dividing the square of [(A's Square - B's Square) / b] by the cube of [(A's square + AB)] multiplied by the square of [AB / (B-A)]?

8500 cubic centimeter = () liter = () cubic decimeter

8500 CC = 8.5 L = 8.5 cubic decimeter

1020 cubic decimeter = () cubic meter () cubic centimeter

1020 cubic decimeter = (1) cubic meter (20) cubic decimeter
1020 cubic decimeter = (1.02) cubic meter = (1020000) cubic centimeter