Observe the mitosis of plant cells and induce chromosome doubling at low temperature Both experiments used plant cells But why is it unnecessary to add Karnaugh's solution to observe mitosis? What's the difference between these two experiments? What should we pay attention to?

Observe the mitosis of plant cells and induce chromosome doubling at low temperature Both experiments used plant cells But why is it unnecessary to add Karnaugh's solution to observe mitosis? What's the difference between these two experiments? What should we pay attention to?

The two experiments are essentially different. The former only needs to be stained and observed, while the latter needs to be operated under low temperature. Low temperature makes the spindle unable to synthesize. Mitosis means that the chromosome cannot be drawn into two cells along with the spindle

2 cubic decimeter = [] ml

2.2 cubic decimeter = [2200] ml

400 ml = () cubic decimeter 3 cubic meter 7 cubic decimeter = () cubic meter 2 liter 20 ml = () ml
4 cubic decimeter = () cubic decimeter () cubic centimeter 1300 cubic decimeter = () cubic meter () cubic decimeter
1 and 3 / 4 L = () l () ml

400 ml = (0.4) cubic decimeter 3 cubic meter 7 cubic decimeter = (3.007) cubic meter 2 liter 20 ml = (2020) ml
4 cubic decimeter = (4) cubic decimeter (0) cubic centimeter 1300 cubic decimeter = (1) cubic meter (300) cubic decimeter
1 and 3 / 4 L = (1) l (750) ml
If you don't understand, you can continue to ask this question
Please select it as a satisfactory answer in time,

1.02 cubic decimeter=______ Liter______ Milliliter 40 liter=______ Ml 3540 CC=______ Cubic decimeter & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 3040 square decimeter=______ Square meters

1.02 cubic decimeter = 1 liter 20 ml & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 40 & nbsp; liter = 40000 ml 3540 cubic centimeter = 3.54 cubic decimeter & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 3040 square decimeter = 3.04 square meter, so the answer is: 1, 2040000, 3.54

90 square decimeters = () square meters


The calculation formula of gas flow is 2.5kg, which can be used to calculate the gas flow in one hour

For example, even if there is no flow, there will be pressure if the front is blocked
If you don't know the flow rate, you need several parameters: 1: medium density 2: preferably medium flow rate 3: pipe size
4: Pipeline pressure and medium temperature
Volume flow rate = flow rate (M / s) × pipe cross-sectional area (M2) × 3600s = volume flow rate M & # 179 / h

What is the gas flow calculation formula?

Flow, differential pressure and current conversion formula:
V-cone formula:
-PD & # 174; differential pressure kPa
1vq & # 174; 3 volume flow M / h (working state) MQ & # 174; mass flow kg / h
Medium working density kg / MC & # 174; discharge coefficient
D & # 174; pipe inner diameter mm
VDV & # 174; cone outer diameter mm
Beam expansion coefficient
-The relative value of V is 21vv
=´- d2
-= 22
Qpqpd = D engraving
Iippidd = - cut
164iipp = & 180; D + d u
Flow conversion formula:
Z & # compressibility
one point zero three three two
-´ &# 180; 1vq & # 174; 3 working state volume flow M / h
one point zero three three two
-´ &# 180; 0 / vqh & # 174; 03 medium 0 C standard state flow rate NM20 / vqh
Standard state flow rate of medium 20 C nm000ht & # 174; C absolute temperature = 273.15
02020ht & # 174; C absolute temperature = 293.15

Is there a formula for calculating the amount of heat released by a ton of 160 ℃ steam with a pressure of 0.6MPa?

I estimate that your 0.60mpa is gauge pressure and absolute pressure is 0.70mpa. At this time, the saturated steam temperature is 164.96 and its enthalpy is 2762.9kj/kg, which is determined by the physical properties of water, (refer to the enthalpy table of relevant steam) the kilocalorie value is 2762.9 ÷ 4.1868 ≈ 659.91 (kcal). At this time, it becomes the heat released at 0 ℃. Therefore, it is necessary to determine how many degrees of water it becomes. The heat increased by 1 ℃ per kilogram of water is 1kcal, and 1000 kg per ton of water. The rest is left for you to calculate

For the calculation of pressure loss per meter of pipeline, please see the following data
Pipe diameter = 0.4m, length = 200m, initial velocity = 1.5m/s, cross-sectional area = 0.5024m2, flow rate = 0.75m3/s, pressure = 12kpa, how much PA is lost per meter?
The temperature is 40 degrees.

I don't understand: 1. If the pipe diameter is 0.4m, the cross-sectional area should be 0.125m2; 2. If the flow is 0.75m3/s, the wind speed should be 5.97m/s?

How to calculate natural pressure of pipeline
What is the natural pressure at the bottom of a 150 diameter pipe 130 meters high

When the water in the pipe does not flow and is at rest:
Pipe bottom pressure = pipe top pressure + 1.3mpa
When water flows in the pipe:
Pipe bottom pressure = pipe top pressure + 1.3mpa + pressure loss from bottom to top