How many ml of 0.95 medicinal alcohol is needed for 500ml of 0.75 disinfectant alcohol? How to configure?

How many ml of 0.95 medicinal alcohol is needed for 500ml of 0.75 disinfectant alcohol? How to configure?

Volume ratio of 95% alcohol to distilled water
The volume of 95% alcohol is 500 × 15 / 19 = 394.74 ml
The volume of distilled water required is 500 × 4 / 19 = 105.26 ml
That is to say, the alcohol and distilled water calculated above can be mixed and stirred evenly

Add 500 ml of 95% alcohol to water to make it a 75% alcohol solution. Add water approximately______ Ml

500 × 95% △ 75% - 500 = 63313-500 = 13313 (ML) a: 13313 ml of water is needed

How many grams of distilled water should be added to dilute 60 g of 95% alcohol to 75% disinfectant alcohol?

Suppose: to dilute 60 g of 95% alcohol to 75% disinfectant alcohol, x g distilled water should be added
Therefore, to dilute 60 g 95% alcohol to 75% disinfectant alcohol, 16 g distilled water is needed