Can 95 degree alcohol spontaneous combustion? What is the spontaneous combustion point?

Can 95 degree alcohol spontaneous combustion? What is the spontaneous combustion point?

Spontaneous combustion means that a substance reaches its ignition point at room temperature or easily reached temperature
The higher the alcohol concentration is, the faster the volatilization will be
For example, when the concentration reaches a certain level, the explosion point can be reached in the air, and the spark will explode
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What's alcohol with to spontaneously ignite?

Spontaneous combustion? Pressurization

What liquid can spontaneously ignite?

There should be no liquid that can burn itself without supporting combustion, but there are many gases that can burn with air in liquid state, such as alcohol, c2h5o2, gasoline, kerosene and so on. Generally, most organic compounds with more C in their molecular formula can burn