A literal expression for the reaction of seawater in absorbing carbon dioxide________

A literal expression for the reaction of seawater in absorbing carbon dioxide________

H2O + CO2 = H2CO3 (reversible)

Literal expression of reaction between sodium peroxide and carbon dioxide

Text expression:
Sodium peroxide + carbon dioxide → sodium carbonate + oxygen
Chemical equation:
2Na2O2 + 2CO2 = 2Na2CO3 + O2

What is the reaction of alcohol burning in air to produce water and carbon dioxide?
Combination or decomposition, or other? Why? Hope master answer

It's redox reaction, it's combustion reaction, it's exothermic reaction
It's not a combination, it's not a decomposition
Combination is the reaction of many substances to get one substance
Decomposition is the decomposition of a reactant into a variety of substances