Chemical equation of oxygen production from potassium permanganate

Chemical equation of oxygen production from potassium permanganate


Literal expression of combustion of sulfur red phosphorus iron wire in oxygen

Sulfur + oxygen = ignition = sulfur dioxide
Red phosphorus + oxygen = ignition = phosphorus pentoxide
Iron + oxygen = ignition = Fe3O4

What is the literal expression of sulfur, red phosphorus, iron wire and oxygen combustion, and chemical reaction phenomenon

S + O 2 = so 2; sulfur reacts with oxygen to form so 2 (ignition)
4P + 5O 2 = 2p 2O 5; phosphorus and oxygen synthesize phosphorus pentoxide (ignition)
3Fe + 2O2 = 2fe3o4; iron and oxygen synthesize Fe3O4 (ignition)
Fe 2O 3 was synthesized from Fe and O 2