Is the chemical reaction of charcoal in oxygen "carbon" or "carbon"

Is the chemical reaction of charcoal in oxygen "carbon" or "carbon"

People's education board is charcoal + oxygen - carbon dioxide
In fact, it is not standardized, but it is also a good way for beginners
Charcoal is a common name, chemical reaction written in the expression of chemical elements
Carbon + oxygen - carbon dioxide

What does carbon produce when it burns in oxygen? What is the substance like? What is the literal expression? Thank you

See if it burns completely. If it burns completely, it's carbon dioxide. If it doesn't, it's carbon monoxide

A literal expression for the reaction of sodium with oxygen

1. When Na is placed in the air, it slowly oxidizes to:
2Na + O2 = Na2O (white)
2. When Na reacts with sufficient oxygen, it can be
2Na + O2 = Na2O2 (yellow) (ignition condition)
Different conditions lead to different products