How much is 100 * 34 * 100 converted into liters

How much is 100 * 34 * 100 converted into liters

What is the unit after the numeral unit? If it is centimeter, the result is 340000 cubic centimeter = 340 cubic decimeter = 340 liter

How to convert a standard cubic meter to a cubic meter?

Standard cubic meter is gas unit, cubic meter is volume unit, what do you want to convert?
The unit of gas flow measurement is standard cubic meter, which is often called pseudo mass unit, because it looks like volume unit, but is actually mass unit. It has nothing to do with the pressure and temperature of the place of use. If the gas is natural gas, the mass of 1 standard cubic meter is also related to the composition of natural gas, It is reasonable to use energy unit in natural gas trade settlement measurement because the calorific value of the same natural gas with different components is also different
For example: 1 standard cubic meter of air = 1.2041 kg (standard state is 101.325 kPa, 20 ° C) flow rate 100 m3 / h (standard state) = 120.41 kg / H2 natural gas, if the relative density of natural gas d = 0.6, 1 standard cubic meter = 1.2041 × 0.6 = 0.7225 kg

I want to know how to convert a cubic meter of tap water into a liter?
Headache ah, regret not good school, a 0.3 * 0.45 * 0.55 container can hold how many liters of water
0.3 * 0.45 * 0.55 = 0.07425 m3? Then how about 0.07425 m3

1 m3 = 1000 l, so: 0.07425 m3 = 74.25 L