What is Nm3 / h? What is the conversion relationship between Nm3 / h and m3 / h? Please give an example

What is Nm3 / h? What is the conversion relationship between Nm3 / h and m3 / h? Please give an example

In most cases, the gas we measure can be regarded as an ideal gas (but not when the pressure is not too high). According to the equation of state of the ideal gas, we calculate the ratio of a certain amount of gas under the working condition and the standard condition, and get the ratio of Nm3 and M3. For example, we assume that the mass is certain, and according to PV / T = constant C, p1V1 / T1 = P2V2 / T2, label 1 is the standard condition, and label 2 is the working condition, So we can calculate V1 / V2, which is the ratio of Nm3 to m3
PV / T = NR = C with the same ideal gas quantity (mass or mole)
Where p is the pressure, V is the volume, t is the thermodynamic temperature (Kelvin), n is the number of moles, R is the ideal gas constant, and C is the constant
According to PV / T = NR = C can be calculated!

The unit of natural gas is Nm3 / h

Unit nm & # 179 / h means standard square per hour. It is generally used for flow rate or vaporization capacity of vaporizer. 1nm & # 179; natural gas is about 0.7kg (data after vaporization of Jiangsu Rudong LNG)

The unit of measurement of standard orifice is Nm3 / h, while the unit of measurement of differential pressure transmitter is m3 / h, so my final unit of measurement is Nm3 / h or m3 / h

Nm3 is the standard cubic meter at 20 degrees centigrade and one atmosphere pressure
M3 is the cubic meter