How much kg / m3 is converted from 1g / cm3 of water density?

How much kg / m3 is converted from 1g / cm3 of water density?

1g / cm3 = 1000kg / m3, the former is small unit, the latter is large unit

1. Complete the following unit conversion (expressed by scientific counting method) 35ml=__ cm3=___ dm3=__ L;85cm3=__ m3=__ dm3=___ L

35mL=_ 35_ cm3=__ 0.035_ dm3=_ 0.035_ L;
85cm3=_ 85_ m3=_ 0.085_ dm3=_ 0.085__ L

Are there any density units other than g / cm3 and kg / m3
Why can't we use g / dm3 and so on

Generally speaking, the unit of density is g / cm3 and kg / m3, which only appear in the exam. As for g / dm3, g / cm3, g / m3, kg / dm3, kg / cm3, kg / m3 and other units are not common. In junior high school, it is only required to master g / cm3 and kg / m3_ ∩)O~