What are the quantity, molar mass and particle number of matter?

What are the quantity, molar mass and particle number of matter?

Above me, they asked what to use, not the unit!
Quantity of matter: n
Molar mass: M
Number of particles: n

The relationship among molar mass, amount of substance and number of particles
The relationship among them

The quantity of matter = the mass of the object / the molar mass
Number of particles = amount of matter * Avogadro constant

The relationship between the number of particles, the amount of matter and the molar mass
The application of stoichiometry in experiments

Amount of substance * 6.023 * 10 ^ 23 = number of particles
Molar mass = molecular weight of substance (g) = 6.023 * 10 ^ 23 * single molecular weight
The Avogadro constant, 6.023 * 10 ^ 23, is the number of particles of one mol matter