Under standard conditions, one volume of water can dissolve about 350 volumes of hydrogen chloride. Calculate the mass percentage concentration of hydrochloric acid and the mass concentration of substance (the density of hydrochloric acid is 1.19 g / cm3)

Under standard conditions, one volume of water can dissolve about 350 volumes of hydrogen chloride. Calculate the mass percentage concentration of hydrochloric acid and the mass concentration of substance (the density of hydrochloric acid is 1.19 g / cm3)

If there is water, 350 l can be dissolved
Under the standard condition, n (HCl) = 350 △ 22.4 = 15.63 mol / L
Total solution mass = 1 × 1000 + 36.5 × 15.63 = 1570.5 G
Mass percentage concentration = 570.5 △ 1570.5 × 100% = 36.3%
So the volume of solution = 1570.5 △ 1.19 = 1319.7ml = 1.32l
Mass concentration of substance = 15.63 △ 1.32 = 11.8 mol / L

How to convert the quantity and concentration of substance
It is known that the mass concentration of substance A is 0.3umol/l, and the relative molecular weight is 390, so it can be calculated that the concentration of substance A is less than 0.3umol/l

【1】 It is known that the mass concentration of the substance is 0.3 umol / L; the molecular weight of the substance is 390, that is, the molar mass m = 390 UG / umol
【2】 Conversion of substance quantity and mass: M = 0.3 umol x 390 UG / umol = 117ug = 0.117mg
【3】 The mass concentration of substance is converted to P = m / v = 0.117mg/l

How to convert air volume flow and air mass flow

The conversion relationship between gas volume flow V (m3 / h) and mass flow w (kg / h) is: w = ρ V (ρ is the gas density kg / m3). Of course, air can also be used. It can be converted by finding out the air density value under the given conditions