How many kilograms is a cubic meter of corn

How many kilograms is a cubic meter of corn

Looking at the quality of corn, the unit weight of the first grade corn is above 720kg / m3, the second grade corn is between 720-685kg, the third grade corn is between 685-650, -- - the average weight is below 590kg, but if there are not many impurities and the grain is full, it is generally above 700kg

How many tons of corn is one cubic meter of corn
Corn in Heilongjiang Province

The average density is about 0.7-0.9, so a cubic meter of corn is 700-900 kg, less than 1 ton

How many liters is a ton of environmentally friendly oil equal to

At present, the density of alcohol based environmental protection oil is 0.792 (g / cm3). From volume = mass △ density, it is obtained that
The volume of one ton of alcohol based environmental oil is (10 ^ 6 g) / (0.792 g / cm ^ 3) * (10 ^ (- 3) l / cm ^ 3) = 1262.63 liters
So it's about 1260 liters