The total mass of a hollow aluminum ball with a volume of 40 cubic cm is 91 G after it is filled with water. What is the mass of the hollow aluminum ball? (the density is 2.7 g / cubic cm)

The total mass of a hollow aluminum ball with a volume of 40 cubic cm is 91 G after it is filled with water. What is the mass of the hollow aluminum ball? (the density is 2.7 g / cubic cm)

If the mass of aluminum ball is x, the mass of water is 91-x
Hollow aluminum ball 81g

Volume conversion formula? Airline CBM conversion formula? What is the unit of CBM?

2. Volume unit conversion: take a cube with an edge length of 1 meter as an example: (V represents the volume of the cube) v = edge length × edge length × edge length = 1 meter × 1 meter × 1 meter = 1 cubic meter. Another meter = 10 decimeter. So v = 10 decimeter × 10 decimeter × 10 decimeter = 1000 cubic decimeter. Similarly, 1 meter = 100 cm. V = 100 cm ×

Lbmol / cuft is a unit of density. How can it be converted into kg / M & sup3

Kgmol is relative to kg. For example, if the molecular weight of oxygen is 32, 1kmol oxygen = 32kg oxygen
If the molecular weight of oxygen is 32, then 1 lbmol oxygen = 32 LB oxygen
Cuft refers to Cu. Ft. in cubic feet, 1 Cu. Ft = 0.028316846592 cubic meters