Comparison between oxygen and liquid oxygen A. The molecules are different in size B. The composition of the molecules has changed C. The molecules of liquid oxygen stop moving D. The intervals between molecules are different

Comparison between oxygen and liquid oxygen A. The molecules are different in size B. The composition of the molecules has changed C. The molecules of liquid oxygen stop moving D. The intervals between molecules are different

Oxygen and liquid oxygen are different states of the same substance

How many cubic gas nitrogen is 1 cubic liquid nitrogen equal to?

The density of liquid nitrogen is shown in P58 of inorganic volume of chemical and physical properties data manual;
The standard boiling point of nitrogen is - 195.8 ℃, liquid density is 0.808 (- 195.8 ℃),
1m3 liquid nitrogen can be vaporized into nitrogen
808 / 28 * 22.4 = 646.4 standard setting

How to convert 1 cubic meter of liquid nitrogen into gas nitrogen

The exact number is related to temperature. At 0 ℃, it is 1 cubic meter of liquid nitrogen, 647 cubic meters of gas nitrogen, and at 15 ℃, it is 1 cubic meter of liquid nitrogen, 680 cubic meters of gas nitrogen